Friday 29 October 2010

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost by John Milton concerns the Christian story of the fall of man, the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. This work is generally considered to be one on the greatest literary works in the English Language.

I am extremely interested in the question of reality in Religion and hope to focus much of my 'wonderland' on this subject. Indeed reality means an entirely different thing to each person and to the same person at different points in their life. This book battles with many difficult theological issues including fate, predestination, the trinity along with satan and the introduction of sin and death into the world.

What is regarded to be absolute truth in Religion would usually be regarded as fantasy?

It is clear that the mind cannot ever fully understand what constitutes absolute truth or reality, however writers such as Lewis carroll challenge the concept of personal reality by using the genre of fantasy.

Fantasy on the Runway

Christian Dior Couture

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