Friday 29 October 2010

Franz Kafka

I am extremely interested in to what extent one's mind influences their personal reality (or reality in general) . Indeed this has been debated by philosophers throughout time, and it is represented by Franz Kafka extremely well in the psychology of 'The Metamorphosis'. As the main Character, Gregor, Loses connection with his own body, he slowly loses connection with the outside world. Despite Kafkas superficial focus on the characters physical aspect, it is fundamentally the mental breakdown which the author wants to demonstrate and the control that the mind is able to create over the body.
It has been described by Elias Canetti as 'one of the great and perfect works of the poetic imagination written during this century'. The story begins with the salesman Gregor Samsa waking to find himself transformed into a monstrous insect.

Other examples of this are portrayed in The 'Fight Club' an 1999 American film adapted from the 1996 novel 'Fight Club' by Chuck Palahniuk. The film is directed by David Fincher and it shows various references to existentialism- the philosophy that an individual must make sense of a chaotic and empty universe.
I am particularly interested in the idea that your mind can create its own universe, your own reality or essentially your own wonderland and fight club demonstrates areas of this, it includes forms of psychosis and schizophrenia while also incorporating Sigmund Freud' s theory suggesting the existence of an Id, ego and superego.
'Only after disaster can we be resurrected'

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